We use 3D printing technologies to create various cognitive exercises specifically for people with Alzheimer's and other forms of Dementia. Whether used independently, in a group format, or with a loved one, such exercises are intended to enhance individuals' intact executive function, visual, tacile, motor skills. Each tool has one or several specific purpose (e.g., stimulate memories, language, perception, abstract thinking, concentration, reasoning, creativity, and/or socialibility).

Our Designs ​
Building blocks (different shapes, sizes, and colors)
Maze (easy, medium, and hard level)
Shape pattern puzzles
Fidget snakes and cubes
Letters for spelling exercise
Math dominos
Geography map puzzle
Customizable/removable fidget widget
& more coming soon!
The Montessori Approach
We know that each person experiences this journey differently. Everyone's lifestyles, care, and needs evolve in their unique way. Understanding the importance of individualized resources, all of these tools were developed based on the Montessori Philosophy. From math dominos, spelling strings, to geography puzzles, these tasks provide a hands-on, multisensory experience suited to a range of skills and interests. Moreover, with the freedom to choose how they participate in these tasks, we hope to help preserve their sense of identity and autonomy while allowing them connect with their past and present.
Since 2024, we have incorporated our 3D-designed tools in our social gatherings/activities at care homes. We guide residents to engage with these exercises and perform these tasks independently, one-on-one, or group settings. We aim to implement our designs into social recreation at more living facilities and so they can be used on a regular basis to keep individuals with dementia stimulated. If you believe the residents in your facility would benefit from using our 3D tools or you are interested in collaborating with us on this project, please contact us at neurologicfoundation@gmail.com.